Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Boo hoo

I think I may cry. I have just spent the last day writing a long post and bloody Internet Explorer just closed on me. Gggrrr! I must go and regroup before starting again. Until then...

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Baking 101 and the question of too much TV

My son and I were bored yesterday morning. Staying at home is a rare thing for us. We are normally out and about every morning and every afternoon. I have decided that Will needs to become accustomed to hanging at home a bit more as I am pregnant and we are likely to stay at home a bit more when the baby is born. Anyway, I digress. We were bored. I decided that a baking session was a good idea. We made some Milo cookies and had such a good time.

This experiment got me thinking about something that I forever feel guilty about. Do I let Will watch too much television? Should we be doing more activites instead of watching ABC Kids? I don't use the TV as a babysitter, but we do have it on quite a bit in the mornings. I am not one of those people that thinks that the TV will eat his brain but something about it makes me feel like a less-than-perfect parent (don't worry, I am not under any illusion that I am a perfect parent - there is no such thing). Do other parents get their activity boxes out on a daily basis, leaving the idiot box for rare occasions, or are they like me and just bung it on as a matter or course?

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Registries - rude or convenient?

I have a question - is a bridal registry rude, particularly when it is for an engagement party? Or is it convenient? Friends of ours were engaged months ago and are now having a party. Accompanying the invite was a Flight Centre Bridal Registry card that requested that we help pay for their honeymoon rather than buying a gift. I say pay for your own f(*%ing honeymoon! I'm buying them a vase in objection. All of these parties have been created to get free stuff - bridal showers, baby showers, kitchen teas, blah blah blah. My husband thinks that I should have a baby shower for our second child to get back some of the free stuff that I have given over the years. That would be hypocritical now, wouldn't it?
I must say I am loving the fish. The question is does every second blogger have the fish? To quote my friend Andrew, meh.
Ok, so this blog thing has had me intruiged for a while and I have decided to give it a burl. Will anyone read it? Who knows? I am already enjoying it, though, I must say. Last night I was hugely inspired to start and had all sorts of ideas. This morning not so much...
One problem that I did consider in this blogging game is the fact that much inspiration will be drawn from my life and in blogging about certain things I am sure to offend people near and dear to me. I shall have to make sure that I think and re-think before posting things that may offend.
I shall sign off for now and play with my blogspot. Later.
p.s. I am going to play with fonts for a while and see which one I like so sorry for the chopping and changing.